Changing The Sales Page Text — Download Nvu Html Editor
Welcome to lesson 5!
In the previous lesson here, I showed you how to hire a graphic designer to create high quality graphics for your upcoming website, and in this lesson I will show you how you can change your website sales page text.
There are many HTML editors on the market, but it will sometimes be hard to find one which is not only free but is also easy to use.
But, have no worries, in the video below I will show you the one that I recommend you use. It is free and simple.
Here is the step by step video:
You can download the NVU software for FREE from here:
This lesson is part of my larger, full course which I released a few years ago.
The websites and tools interfaces have changed since then, but the logic remains exactly the same.
Feel free to comment with any question or comment that you may have, and I will do my very best to answer.
Lesson 1: How To Search Flippa For Niche Ideas
Lesson 2: Obtaining An eBook Package
Lesson 3: Register A Domain Name
Lesson 4: Hire A Graphic Designer
Thanks for watching and reading.
p.s: you can watch more free lessons here
p.p.s: Get the larger, full course and current and future courses for $12 per Month: