Setting Up The Thank You Page
Welcome to lesson 7!
In the previous lesson here, we have created the folders for our website, and in this lesson we are going to create one of the HTML pages.
The html page that we are going to create in this lesson is the:
Thank You page.
The Thank You page is one of the most important pages on a website because this is the page that buyers will be directed to in order to access their product (once they have completed their payment).
Here is the step by step video:
This lesson is part of my larger, full course which I released a few years ago.
The websites and tools interfaces have changed since then, but the logic remains exactly the same.
Feel free to comment with any question or comment that you may have, and I will do my very best to answer.
Lesson 1: How To Search Flippa For Niche Ideas
Lesson 2: Obtaining An eBook Package
Lesson 3: Register A Domain Name
Lesson 4: Hire A Graphic Designer
Lesson 5: Changing The Sales Page Text
Lesson 6: How To Plan A Website Structure
Thanks for watching and reading.
p.s: you can watch more free lessons here
p.p.s: Get the larger, full course and current and future courses for $12 per Month: